Hanshow Works with Intel and Microsoft to Accelerate Smart Retail Innovation

A research report from Business Insider predicts that by 2035, AI will increase profit margins in retail and wholesale businesses by nearly 60%.

Hanshow, a professional digital store solution provider (SP), has worked closely with Microsoft and Intel® on AI infrastructure innovation and AI application optimization in retail scenarios to launch a loss prevention solution for digital stores and self-checkout cashiers. With Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, Hanshow’s solution can deliver low-friction, state-of-the-art algorithm model, with a seamless and highly secured user experience. No machine-learning expertise is required. The terminal device can accurately execute assigned tasks even in an intensive space, which greatly improves data accuracy and integrity. Meanwhile, Microsoft Azure Machine Learning is adopted in the aim of accelerating time to value with industry-leading MLOps and integrated machine learning tools. Azure Machine Learning also allows you to access timely and accurate data analysis and forecasting with its high transparency, reliability and compliance.

"AI and IoT are transforming business models by helping companies move from simply making products and services, to companies that give their customers desired outcomes and impeccable experience. The combination of AI and IoT is changing the landscape of retail industry and the relationships that businesses have with their customers. Microsoft’s AI and IoT technologies not only lower the bar technically for data management, but also give retailers full access to monitor, analyze, manage data, to timely adjust business strategies, and deliver more substantial business value. At Microsoft AI & IoT Insider Lab, we work with innovation-driven retailers, leveraging Microsoft’s avant-garde AI and IoT technologies to speed up the commercialization of various smart retail scenarios." Rashmi Misra
 General Manager, Microsoft AI & Emerging Technologies

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AI と IoT の環境は急速に変化しています。
